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METATRON REMOTE® Health Diagnostic Therapy System
Metatron Hospital Upgraded By Medicomat Ltd For Remote Mode
The Metatron apparatus emits modulated oscillations to correct violations of harmonic synchronization in a biological object. This correction is achieved through the "Meta Therapy" function.
The Metatron system applies the following therapies: Elimination of viruses and bacteria, Organotherapy, BachTherapy, Meta therapy, Phytotherapy, Lithotherapy, Acupuncture.
In the field of Bach Therapy, the program includes wave spectrums of herbal essences commonly used in European countries. Along with psycho-therapeutic methods, these essences are utilized to correct and treat psychosomatic diseases. By utilizing the specific frequency characteristics of each herb, wave correction of psycho-therapeutic disorders can be achieved. The primary objective of Bach Therapy is to harmonize the mental and emotional aspects of an individual, as negative emotions can contribute to the development of illnesses. The software selects appropriate spectrums of essences to address mental disorders and emotional imbalances.

Lithotherapy involves the spectral characteristics of jewels and minerals, along with their medical properties. The program enables the individual selection of minerals based on their spectral characteristics, suitable for the patient's needs, including permanent use and treatment of specific diseases. By utilizing the specific spectral characteristics of minerals, which are modeled and emitted by the device, therapy for both acute and chronic diseases can be conducted.
Phytotherapy involves the use of spectral characteristics of selected medicinal plants. This group encompasses the wave characteristics of medicinal plants found in various regions of the world.
The "Reprinter" function is used to record information preparations. This involves recording the information-wave spectra of recommended preparations, such as dietary supplements, minerals, and herbs, onto a matrix composed of water, ethyl alcohol, sugar, and paraffin. Additionally, inverted wave spectra of microbial flora can be recorded to reduce its activity.