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METATRON REMOTE® Health Diagnostic Therapy System
Metatron Hospital Upgraded By Medicomat Ltd For Remote Mode
Diagnostic results
What is the duration of the diagnostic process?
Express research: The express research option allows for a quick assessment of complete topographic images and models, focusing only on the presence of pathological changes. This type of research typically takes around 15-20 minutes.
Standard research type: For a more comprehensive analysis, the standard research type is recommended. This type of research takes approximately 30-40 minutes and provides the opportunity to study individual biological structures during functional and prenosological changes in the organism, in addition to identifying mature processes.
Detailed type of research: The most extensive type of research, known as the detailed type, takes around 60-90 minutes. This type of research allows for a thorough assessment of the structure of all biological formations, including chromosomes and the genomic apparatus. It is particularly useful for identifying hereditary disorders and conducting high-quality scientific research.

The scanning process involves obtaining information about a biological object without direct contact. This is achieved using a trigger sensor that captures subtle fluctuations of signals. These signals are then converted into a digital sequence and processed by a microprocessor. The results of the study are displayed on a monitor screen as 4D images, which are marked with a color-coded 12-point Fleindler scale.

Each organ and cell has its own unique vibrations, which are recorded in the computer memory and can be displayed on the screen as a graph. This graph reflects the conditions of information exchange within an organ or tissue. Similarly, any pathological process also has its own distinct graph.
A multitude of pathological processes are stored in the computer's memory, taking into consideration factors such as severity, age, sex, and other variables. By extracting frequency characteristics from a biological object, the research equipment can compare them spectrally to reference processes (healthy tissues, pathologically altered tissues, infectious agents) and identify the closest pathological process or a tendency towards its occurrence. In cases of combined processes, the virtual diagnostics mode enables the differential diagnosis of each process.
Analyzing the graphs obtained from the patient under examination provides insights into the nature of the process and the quality factor of specific tissues.

In conclusion, the "SmartReport" function automatically generates a conclusion regarding the patient's health. The program automatically selects images displaying significant pathological changes in tissues and evaluates the activity of pathological agents.
Furthermore, users have the option to independently select the program for generating the protocol - Express, Standard, or Detailed - each varying in the level of detail. The most detailed program allows for the inclusion of a diet plan, a comprehensive description of prescribed medications, and images of standards from various groups such as Lithotherapy, Phytotherapy, Bacteria, Helminths, and more.
For follow-up purposes, patients can undergo a re-diagnostic procedure after receiving treatment or preventive measures to assess their effectiveness.

Based on the diagnostic results, the program automatically generates one of the following conclusions regarding the patient's health: Express, Standard, or Detailed, each offering a different level of detail. The most detailed program allows for the creation of a protocol that includes a diet plan, a comprehensive description of prescribed medications, and images of standards from various groups such as Lithotherapy, Phytotherapy, Bacteria, Helminths, and more.
Detailed report
Standard report
Express report
The volume of the protocol, depending on the chosen variant of its formation, ranges from 10 to 50 pages.
Sample report (pdf)