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Metatron Hospital
Metatron Intruder
Metatron Well Being
Areas of diagnosis Diagnostic results Therapies Software REMOTE Diagnostics REMOTE Therapies Food |
METATRON REMOTE® Health Diagnostic Therapy System
Metatron Hospital Upgraded By Medicomat Ltd For Remote Mode
We are continuously modernizing our hardware and updating our software, enhancing them with new capabilities and standards, while also adapting to various regions.
HSS Metatron boasts a collection of over 12,000 reference etalons, which is constantly being supplemented and expanded.
Depending on the model, our current program versions include the following groups of etalons:
types of constitution virtual models of organs biochemical homeostasis spectral-wave pathogenesis nosology bacteria ectoparasites and helminths viruses |
fungi allergens allopathy nutraceuticals homeopathy with the selection of different potencies of homeopathic remedies HEEL preparations (more than 800 preparations) herbal medicine |
lithotherapy trace elements psychoemotional state Bach color therapy probiotics apitherapy food products medical cosmetics |

1. A 3D and pseudo-3D visualization system with over 100 new organ models.
2. An automatic report generation feature with three detailed modes.
3. An expanded database of microorganisms, consisting of more than 350 standards and original images. We have also added separate groups of standards for "Viruses," "Helminths," and "Fungi."
4. An automatic search function for bacteria, viruses, and helminths.
5. New groups of etalons for "Antibacterial drugs," "Antiviral drugs," "Antiparasitic drugs," and "Antifungal drugs."v 6. An expanded and updated database of allergens based on international classification and nomenclature.
7. A quick selection feature for standard slices.
8. The ability to automatically search for lesions up to chromosomes and genetic structures, with a detailed type of study.v 9. Classification of process stages in entropy analysis.
10. Graphical display of etalons based on criteria such as anabolic/catabolic and dry/wet.
11. Improved algorithms for localizing lesions, considering the type of process (anabolic/catabolic).
12. A new system for assessing tissue proliferation in young patients.
13. The option to back up the patient database to external storage media such as flash drives and external hard drives.
14. The ability to save an automatically generated report (SmartReport) as a PDF file and write it to external media.
We strive to continuously enhance our system to provide the best possible experience for our users.
The programs are translated into Russian, English, German, French, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese traditional, Chinese simplified, as well as Vietnamese.
Please see the Metatron System Comparison for further information.
Just submit your personal details and you will receive a health report within hours. Required personal details that determines your Quantum-ID are: name, gender, date of birth, blood type, address, phone. |
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Metatron Software:
![]() METAPATHIA HOSPITALThe best and the latest «Metapathia Hospital» bioresonance program is based on the «Metapathia GR Clinical» program and includes all its capabilities, etalons and functions. |
![]() INTRUDERThe «Intruder» program is the latest specialized development of the Institute of Practical Psychophysics in the field of nonlinear analysis of the activity of microorganisms and helminths, as well as the assessment of their resistance to modern antimicrobial and anti-parasitic drugs. |
![]() WELL BEINGThe Well Being program is the latest development of the Institute of Practical Psychophysics in the field of nonlinear analysis of dysfunctional changes in the organism and assessment of health reserves. |