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Metatron Intruder
Metatron Well Being
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METATRON REMOTE® Health Diagnostic Therapy System
Metatron Intruder Upgraded By Medicomat Ltd For Remote Mode
The Institute of Practical Psychophysics has recently developed the advanced "Intruder" program, which focuses on the nonlinear analysis of microorganisms and helminths. This program also evaluates their resistance to modern antimicrobial and anti-parasitic drugs.
Introducing METATRON REMOTE, a patented and trademarked enhancement for the Metatron Intruder. This upgrade allows for remote health scanning and treatment from any distance. The remote mode retains all the functions and capabilities of the Metatron Intruder bioresonance system. Additionally, the upgraded Metatron Intruder can be used in two ways: locally with headsets or remotely. The METATRON REMOTE set includes the original packaging of the Metatron Intruder and Medicomat quantum remote devices. Buy the METATRON REMOTE |
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Just submit your personal details and you will receive a health report within hours. Required personal details that determines your Quantum-ID are: name, gender, date of birth, blood type, address, phone. |
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Demonstration of the original program «Intruder»:
The significance of this advancement lies in the rise of pan-resistant superbugs that have developed resistance to all currently available antibiotics. As a result, the NLS-method and computer-based express-assessment of the effectiveness and resistance of numerous pathogenic microorganisms to existing antibacterial and anti-parasitic medications has the potential to become the sole viable alternative to contemporary medicine.
Given the escalating number of new antibiotics and the growing prevalence of strains with acquired resistance, it is imperative to promptly enhance the precision and speed of assessment methods. Furthermore, it is essential to embark on the development of innovative computer-based approaches to evaluate the resistance of microorganisms.
The computer NLS-analysis method, pioneered by the Institute of Practical Psychophysics, successfully fulfills all contemporary criteria and standards for assessing the activity and resistance of microorganisms to antibacterial drugs.

The computer NLS-analysis method has undergone significant changes in its methodology for assessing antibiotic resistance. These changes include the introduction of several key concepts:
1. The concept of interpretive accounting takes into consideration the results of assessing antibiotic sensitivity based on nonlinear modeling of the microorganism being studied. This is followed by the correction of data obtained during spectral testing and the issuance of clinically oriented recommendations for therapy.
2. The concept of virtual etalons of group drugs has been introduced, which greatly reduces the time and volume of research required to obtain reliable results.
3. A mathematical model of control systems for the reliability of antibiotic susceptibility assessment has been developed. This model significantly reduces the likelihood of obtaining erroneous results.
4. A spectral-wave method has been implemented to assess the activity and antibiotic sensitivity of microorganisms. This method allows for the evaluation of the level of internal entropy in the molecules of protein compounds in individual tissues of the microorganism, as well as in the bases of ribonucleic and deoxyribonucleic acids when exposed to antibacterial drugs.
These advancements in the methodology of the computer NLS-analysis method have greatly improved the assessment of antibiotic resistance and have the potential to enhance the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy.

Without considering the aforementioned factors, obtaining timely and reliable results for assessing microorganism activity and antibiotic sensitivity, as well as the qualified use of modern antibacterial (anti-parasitic) agents, is currently unattainable.
Furthermore, this technology takes into account the human body and the bacterial (parasitic) agents that reside within it as a unified system of biotic relationships. It identifies specific functional changes in the human body.
Microorganism-induced organisms serve as prerequisites not only for infectious diseases but also for psychosomatic illnesses. Consequently, this technology enables a clear definition of the examination program, eliminating unnecessary consultations and reducing examination time. This is crucial for accurate and prompt diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Please see the Metatron System Comparison for further information.
Just submit your personal details and you will receive a health report within hours. Required personal details that determines your Quantum-ID are: name, gender, date of birth, blood type, address, phone. |
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Metatron Software:
![]() METAPATHIA HOSPITALThe best and the latest «Metapathia Hospital» bioresonance program is based on the «Metapathia GR Clinical» program and includes all its capabilities, etalons and functions. |
![]() INTRUDERThe «Intruder» program is the latest specialized development of the Institute of Practical Psychophysics in the field of nonlinear analysis of the activity of microorganisms and helminths, as well as the assessment of their resistance to modern antimicrobial and anti-parasitic drugs. |
![]() WELL BEINGThe Well Being program is the latest development of the Institute of Practical Psychophysics in the field of nonlinear analysis of dysfunctional changes in the organism and assessment of health reserves. |