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 Metatron Hospital Scan
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In 1907 Lee De Forest invented the triode vacuum tube, a device for controlling and amplifying electron flow, thus making electronics a practical medium just as Faraday and Henry had made electricity practical 75 years earlier. Metatron Hospital scan

Hot Cold Treatments, Coronavirus Covid 19 and Help Yourself. Hundreds of minor or major deviations occur in the body almost every second. The organism is a unique whole and has a mechanism of self-regulation that keeps it in a state of natural balance. Through self-regulation (self-correction), the organism is able to neutralize deviations that are smaller and shorter. test

Laser acupuncture / laserpuncture therapy and especially controlled acupuncture is the accepted name employed by those who practice the principle of acupuncture by using the stimulation of a laser beam instead of a penetrating needle. scan

Medicomat determines not only the type of disorder but also identifies the severity of the disorders. After the measurement, Medicomat can treat the client with the function META Therapy, Bacterial Therapy. Phytotherapy, Stone Therapy, Physiotherapy and Acupuncture Therapy. Metatron scan

Cellulitis Treatment With Quantum Bioresonance, Coronavirus Covid 19 and Information Medicomat. test Energy circulates throughout your body along well defined pathways. It‘s like our bodies have highways and by-ways and those pathways are connected to all the organs.

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