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The normal BP for adults is less than 130/80mmHg. If the average BP is more than 135/85 mmHg. Consult your doctor. Metatron Hospital scan

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What Are Hemorrhoids? Hemorrhoids mean swollen tissue in the rectum or anal wall. Most of us have them at one time or another, but for some people they can be a real problem. They may become large, develop blood clots, get inflamed, itch and/or bleed. This can cause blood in your stools. For the minority of people who suffer from them, they can be painful. Metatron scan

Chinese Medical Device, Chinese Therapy and Home Pharmacy Medicomat. test Adjusting vertebra therapy: according to the adjusting vertebra theories, 80 percent of the human disease originates from vertebra. Through adjusting the back, you can quickly open the acupoints on the both sides of the spine, dredge out the Ren and Du two great meridians, adjusting the body bioelectric field to balance the bioelectrical current, effectively cure many kinds of disease in human body. Adjusting vertebra therapy concludes: The upper back, the central back, the lower back.

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