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This model needs to be expanded to deeper levels that include electromagnetic and quantum processes that play a major role in how nature organizes itself. Metatron Hospital scan

Under Arm Pain, Anorexia Treatment and How to Treat Naturally. An intolerance/sensitivity include all those reactions to food and non-food items that can activate a non-immune mediated response. Instead, they can be caused by not having the proper enzymes you need to digest certain foods or a reaction to food additives or preservatives. test

Traditional Chinese medicine holds that the head is the confluence of all the Yang meridians and acts as the house of lucid Yang. The essence and blood of five Zang-organs and the lucid Yang-qi of six Fu-organs ascend to the head. Therefore, normal circulation of sufficient Qi and blood in meridians is the guarantee for keeping a clear head. Invasion of the six exogenous pathogens or blockage by phlegm and blood stasis can give rise to headache likewise. scan

Bronchial tubes that are chronically inflamed may become overly sensitive to allergens (specific triggers) or irritants (nonspecific triggers). The airways may become “twitchy” and remain in a state of heightened sensitivity. This is called “bronchial hyperreactivity” (BHR). It is likely that there is a spectrum of bronchial hyperreactivity in all individuals. Metatron scan

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